Frequently Asked

Here, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about BitJeton to help you get started and navigate with ease

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Buying Vouchers
Fees & Transactions
Popular Questions
Redeeming Vouchers
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Buying Vouchers
Can I buy a BitJeton voucher with PayPal?

Yes, you can! Visit our Partners page to find a partner in your region that supports your preferred payment method, including PayPal.

Use the filters on the page to narrow down your search and view partners offering PayPal as a payment option.

How to buy a voucher?

You can purchase a BitJeton crypto voucher or gift card across a wide range of countries. Visit our merchants page to explore options.

Additionally, in select regions, you might have the option to acquire a BitJeton crypto voucher and complete the transaction using cash

BitJeton crypto vouchers and our crypto gift cards are available for purchase from various online retailers specializing in vouchers and gift cards with credit/debit cards, popular and your local payment method

Fees & Transactions
How long does it take for my transaction to arrive?

Blockchain transactions are not instant by nature.

For Bitcoin and Ethereum, it may take up to an hour.

For USDT, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and other cryptocurrencies, transactions typically take up to 10 minutes.

What are the service fees?

BitJeton charges a standard service fee of up to 5%, ensuring a seamless and reliable transaction experience. For more details, visit our Fees page.

Popular Questions
Do I need to verify my ID (KYC Verification)?

In most cases, you are not required to verify your identification during the redemption process.

However, in compliance with European AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations, ID verification may be requested under specific circumstances, such as:

  • A partner requiring verification for compliance purposes.
  • Unusually high and suspicious transaction volumes.
  • Links to fraud reports or blacklisted activities.

We prioritize providing a safe and secure environment for our users and our community.

How to redeem?

You can purchase your BitJeton crypto voucher or gift card through one of our esteemed partners listed on our Partners section.

Once you've received the crypto gift card, visit the Redeem Crypto page. Next, select the cryptocurrency of your preference and input your wallet details.

That's all it takes to redeem a BitJeton crypto gift card or voucher! Your crypto will soon be en route to your wallet.

How to buy a voucher?

You can purchase a BitJeton crypto voucher or gift card across a wide range of countries. Visit our merchants page to explore options.

Additionally, in select regions, you might have the option to acquire a BitJeton crypto voucher and complete the transaction using cash

BitJeton crypto vouchers and our crypto gift cards are available for purchase from various online retailers specializing in vouchers and gift cards with credit/debit cards, popular and your local payment method

What is a BitJeton?

BitJeton vouchers work just like digital gift cards or prepaid vouchers, offering a simple and accessible way to get started with cryptocurrency.

With options starting at just $10, redeeming your crypto with a BitJeton voucher is fast and easy, taking less than a minute.

We offer cryptocurrencies as gift cards and other approachable options, ensuring a traditionally familiar concept to people, making it absolutely easy to use for everyone.

Redeeming Vouchers
How do I find my wallet address?

To redeem your BitJeton voucher, you’ll need your wallet address. Follow these steps:

1. Open your cryptocurrency wallet application or platform.

2. Go to the "Receive" or "Deposit" section.

3. Select the cryptocurrency you want to receive.

4. Copy the displayed wallet address (a string of characters) or scan the QR code.

5. During the redemption process, paste this wallet address into the wallet address field on the redemption page.

Important: Ensure you select the correct network and cryptocurrency when redeeming your BitJeton voucher to avoid any issues. Your crypto will be sent directly to the wallet address you provide, and crypto transfers are irreversible.

Do I need to verify my ID (KYC Verification)?

In most cases, you are not required to verify your identification during the redemption process.

However, in compliance with European AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations, ID verification may be requested under specific circumstances, such as:

  • A partner requiring verification for compliance purposes.
  • Unusually high and suspicious transaction volumes.
  • Links to fraud reports or blacklisted activities.

We prioritize providing a safe and secure environment for our users and our community.

How to redeem?

You can purchase your BitJeton crypto voucher or gift card through one of our esteemed partners listed on our Partners section.

Once you've received the crypto gift card, visit the Redeem Crypto page. Next, select the cryptocurrency of your preference and input your wallet details.

That's all it takes to redeem a BitJeton crypto gift card or voucher! Your crypto will soon be en route to your wallet.

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Enter your voucher code and wallet, and get your crypto. Quick, secure, and convenient!